Monday, August 20, 2012

Easy Lucid Dreaming Techniques

Lucid dreaming used to be associated with sexual fantasies. After some time, the term started encompassing the process of gaining instant gratification from the total control of dreams. While these are not necessarily incorrect, these views are the reason for the misconception of the idea behind lucid dreaming.

How to Have Lucid Dreams

There are three points that you need to remember when you want experience the uncanny trance. One, lucid dreaming entails the ability to be conscious while dreaming. It requires the mind to be awake while the body is in slumber. As such, everything inside the dream is vivid, seemingly real, and tangible.

You should draw the difference between being mere spectator of events from actually participating in the turnout of scenes.

Another goal is to become self-ware while being in trance. You should strive to attain a full mental direction to decide how the dream would unfold. It is imperative to have power over your movements. Control the dream instead of allowing the dream to control you.

It is also important to remember that being in charge is simply the tip of the iceberg. You may fly, make love to someone, create a setting, or summon personalities, but there's more to lucid dreaming. With complex techniques, you may also pattern a dream that speaks "unconscious messages" to you.

Most individuals are often overwhelmed on their first few attempts to have lucid dreams. As such, it is best to take tiny steps at a time. Here are some basic lucid dreaming techniques to start with.


As you approach the half-sleep state, be sure to explore your thoughts. Relax your mind and lie still while allowing your mind to drift. Avoid controlling the stream of thoughts. Strive to keep your mind awake as your body starts to falls asleep. It is important to keep your eyes shut and frozen. Avoid moving your lids or rolling your eyeballs.

This is a deep relaxing technique. It invites out of the body experience, hallucinations, and flashing of dream-like scenes. This night-time meditation also enhances one's visualization skills and self-awareness.

As you master this technique, it is easy to wake your mind amidst a lucid dream.

Dream Recall

Not everyone can remember a dream. Right from the moment you wake up, you'd only recall snippets of scenes which seem to be unrelated and with a blurred story. Experts suggest that you keep a dream journal and keep track of everything inside the trance each morning. As your mind gets used to the practice of dream recall, you'll find the spontaneous occurrence of lucid dreams more frequent.

Incubating the Lucid Dream

There are loads of methods to induce the episode of a lucid dream. It can range from simply planning to have a lucid trance to meditation before sleeping. Daydreaming intently also triggers the subconscious mind to produce scenes in the dream that you are wishing to see. Helping this part of mind "memorize" episodes and landscapes allows you to see ideal things while lucid dreaming.

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